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Helping women feel

strong healthy empowered everyday

Hi, I'm Chloe Collins
Women's Health Nutritionist (BHSc Nut Med)

I'm here to empower you to become the healthiest version of yourself!

Work with me

1:1 Consultation Package

Join me on a 6-week 1:1 journey to becoming your healthiest self. I have many years of experience in working with women to sustainably correct and support their health concerns including weight loss, hormonal imbalance, thyroid issues, reproductive health conditions, fertility issues and nutritional support for IVF. I offer a nurturing and warm environment where I will listen to your unique story, offer empowerment and education, and support you through nutritional medicine, lifestyle swaps and mindset techniques to make the changes that you deserve to feel your best.

Learn more

A little bit about me...

Hey there beautiful,

To put it simply, I adore working with women.

Watching women making sustainable changes, and actually understanding why, fuels my fire.

Here’s a little about how I work-

I love to educate you on why and how to make the changes that I am asking of you. The female body is incredibly, and beautifully, complex. We have different needs to the simple male system for which most general diets and treatment plans that are prescribed. We simply need to understand what our unique systems need and nurture them.

I work with you as an individual. Not one body is the same. YES, you can still eat the food that you love. Don’t worry, I’m not going to take away the good stuff (ahem, coffee and chocolate). Let’s focus on adding in rather than taking away.

I work with you holistically; body, mind and spirit. You are so much more than your physical body, and your mind directly impacts your health. This is how I see transformative, long term results. Learn what your unique nature needs.

I prescribe minimal supplements (1-2 things at a time), and only high quality practitioner grade products, complimentary to the work that we are doing. These supplements can kickstart and excel your healing journey.

But this isn’t all about me, it’s about you.

You’re here because it’s time to take action towards change for yourself. You’re sick of feeling tired, low energy, constant cravings, mood-swings, stressed-out, overweight, and feeling like your body is working against you.

It’s entirely possible for you to feel energised, light, satisfied, body-literate, in control and in homeostasis. It would be my privilege to help you to get there.

My goal is for you to develop a life-long love affair with your self, your body and your mind, to be excited about food as medicine, to realise that it can be easy. I’ll show you how!

because, you deserve this.




"I am so grateful that I crossed paths with Chloe - over the past three months I have completely changed my lifestyle and relationship with food. Chloe's knowledge behind nutrition has truly set me up with information that I will be able to use for life. I previously suffered from aggressive bloating, acne and had a not so great relationship with food. I now understand how to correctly fuel my body and care for myself from the inside out. Chloe gave me incredible support to heal my gut and all of my symptoms have almost vanished. I honestly feel like a brand new person and am so happy every day. My 1:1 package with Chloe was honestly one of the best things I have ever done for my health and I can't wait to continue to make progress as time continues."


"I have just finished up my 3-month 1:1 consultations with Chloe and my life, no word of a lie, has changed. I have more energy than ever, I feel well, almost ALL of my symptoms have subsided and I'm feeling so damn happy! I am endlessly grateful for the patience, compassion and guidance of Chloe and I cannot recommend her enough. If you're struggling with your health and not feeling quite right, get in touch with Chloe. Seriously."


"My journey with Chloe has been nothing like I could have imagined, It has honestly helped so much. For many years I have invested a lot of money and time trying to seek help as I felt as though my body was not happy internally. For years I struggled with my typical bloating and pains. I had been diagnosed with Endometriosis and PCOS in the last 9 years but I always knew that there was more happening as I always struggled to shift the weight. In June 2021 I was diagnosed with Lipedema. With a mixture of diagnosis on my page and not enough knowledge I invested in a 3 month 1:1 program with Chloe to truly understand my hormones and what my body needed. Chloe during this time, spent time going through bloodwork, checking in, being super supportive through regular catch ups and emails. Chloe took the time to really explain what everything means. Towards the end of the 3 months I completed the 4 week Women's Health Reset which Chloe had designed and wow the changes within my body in just this short period of time has been such a success. I have felt less bloating and gut issues, getting deeper sleep and also the pains in which I felt with swelling continuously down my legs due to Lipoedema have decreased immensely. To have the information and structure alongside Chloe's knowledge has really made me truly understand the nutrition behind foods, and having a plan and guide to what suits my individual body. Thankyou Chloe for sharing your knowledge and doing your own research to ensure you have the information needed for my complex diagnosis and body so we got the best outcome for the 1:1 package. It was the best thing I have ever done to date and I cannot wait to do more work with you in the future."


"Before signing up to Chloe's program, I was a little apprehensive about the investment of my time and money on yet another program to cure my problems. But the moment I spoke with Chloe about her 1:1 program, I knew it was going to be worth it! I'd pay every dollar again for the results I have seen.

The program is so comprehensive and individualised to your personal needs. Chloe was so supportive and generous in her knowledge and experience. I felt safe disclosing all of my personal details to her and loved that there was no judgement, even on the days I didn't follow my health plan to the T. I found her program easy to follow and she made sure it was flexible for my lifestyle and was introduced gradually so it wouldn't overwhelm me. I am so grateful for Chloe and the way she worked with me. I am more confident in understanding my body and nourishing it with the right foods. Not only has my body started ovulating after 15 years of issues, I've unintentionally lost stubborn weight and feel the best I have in years. If you've been thinking about working with Chloe, do it! It's life changing."


I have wanted to work with Chloe on a nutritional level for quite some years.
After having my third and final baby I knew in me it was time. Time to learn all the womanly things, that I as a woman have never been taught. Quick back story, I lost both my mum & dad to bowel cancer at an earlyish age and now with a son and two daughters of my own its time to take control of my own health, learn all the things to get myself to not only the mother, but the woman I want to be. Then to teach my son compassion towards the females in his life, and most importantly supply my girls with all the knowledge I have learnt through Chloe’s 1:1’s and content she has provided me, that unfortunately wasn’t provided in my upbringing. Chloe has the biggest heart and her passion for everything “Women" is so empowering. I 100% hands down recommend working with her, if you have been sitting on the fence, now is the time to jump off and take a massive leap into her direction. You will not be disappointed. I learnt a lot in our 3 months together and the content she provides you, you get for life… FOR LIFE!!!! She’s in your court but you need to hit the first ball. GO FOR IT GIRL!!!


I can honestly say that Chloe has changed my life for the better. Signing up for her 3 month program is one of the best decisions I have ever made.I had tried so many different styles of eating, paid for so many programs, all in hopes of making my gut and skin issues disappear. But I was never able to stick with it or see any meaningful results and was at my end point of trying. I thought I was just going to have deal with this forever. After completing my 3 month program with Chloe, I finally feel like I have a true understanding of how my body works and control over how my body feels. My gut issues have subsided and I am no longer constantly bloated or dealing with hours of stomach pain. My skin is not nearly as red as before and I now have a way of eating that not only is realistic but is also sustainable. My whole relationship with food has completely changed. A friend of mine suggested working with Chloe, so I followed her on Instagram for a little while and decided to reach out and have a phone consultation with her. I found Chloe to inspiring, passionate and real. Most importantly I knew she truly was interested in helping me and was empathetic towards my experiences. I feel like a completely different person and will be forever grateful to Chloe for all her help. If working with Chloe is something you have been considering, please go for it! You won’t regret it 🙂
