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Five steps to a Feminine Morning Routine

This is something that I find myself speaking to women all the time about in my clinic. Let’s delve into what you can do and implement into your morning routine to pull in feminine grounding energy, and why this is so important. My hope is that after reading this blog, that you will feel empowered to make some seemingly small changes that will have a phenomenal impact on how your day plays out.

A feminine morning routine simply means catering to your female system and what it needs. It doesn’t mean that there can’t be masculine aspects, but I find that a feminine approach can be extremely beneficial for women in the morning, contrary to the popular get-up-and-go belief, and the feelings of guilt if you don’t achieve all of the things first thing in the morning.

It’s too often that we wake up feeling guilty or anxious for what we didn’t fulfill the day before or what we are yet to fulfill in the day ahead, what hasn’t even happened yet. This guilt that manifests is not good for your health. The antidote to the feeling of guilt is simply being present, by being immersed in the present moment, rather than the past or future. I believe that a grounding feminine morning routine can help.

First things first; go easy on yourself, bring in self-love and self-compassion when you decide to skip out on your routine all together. If your friend slept in and didn’t go for a run she had planned would you reprimand her, or tell her that she needed the sleep and there’s always tomorrow or next week? Give yourself the same level of respect and TLC!

One thing that I have come across a lot in the last couple of years in my clinic is the challenge of keeping a routine throughout non-normal circumstances like a global pandemic and lockdown isolation. In an already anxiety- inducing time of uncertainty, a lot of us were propelled into isolation during lockdowns to different degrees around the world, and some are still in that situation. This time highlighted the importance of routine for us as humans.

All of sudden we were potentially sleeping at different times, eating at all sorts of times, with no routine, maybe not ever making the bed, and bingeing netflix. This was and is a time of survival, we are not expected to be perfectly routine and disciplined. But, a small amount of ritual and healthy routine can help, immensely. I have witnessed routine and consistency make a huge difference in the life of women and I want to share that with you, in case it’s what you need right now.

In everyday life, routine can be absolutely crucial to our health and wellbeing as women because what you do in the morning has a cascade effect. This is the emotional, metabolic and energy cascade that can come from a healthy or not-so-healthy morning routine.

What you put in your mouth in the morning is super important!

In the morning our cortisol (stress hormone) levels are naturally at their highest. There are things that we do that can exacerbate this, or stabilise the nervous system. Your cortisol levels may be higher than usual if you are stressed out or have a lot on your plate. Drinking coffee alone can increase cortisol levels and add to this ‘morning cortisol picture’.

If your morning coffee cannot be pried out of your hands, I recommend having your cuppa later in the morning with or after food. You could also add a good quality collagen powder and/or MCT oil to add protein and fats to your cuppa which then changes the way that it is metabolised, this is much better for your brain & hormonal system.

I also suggest drinking 2 big glasses of water upon waking before anything else. You could also spruce this up with some fresh lemon or apple cider vinegar.

Fasting is very often not ideal for women as it is so important that we take care of our nervous system in the morning for a healthy metabolism. If you are dabbling in fasting, try taking your fasting period at night rather than in the morning. 

Breakfast IS the most important meal of the day for you as a woman. Prioritise eating breakfast in the morning and opt for a balanced breakfast made of complex carbohydrates, a quality source of protein and some good fats as well. This balanced breakfast provides metabolic satiety and your female hormonal system will love you for it!


Simple ways to ground yourself in the morning

  • Meditation is a beautiful practice. Meditation apps can help for guidance and inspiration, or a relaxing music track.
  • 10 deep belly breaths or a different breathing technique will communicate to your nervous system that it is safe which is vital for metabolism, digestion and reproduction to name a few.
  • Slow stretching, active or passive, can be a gentle way to move your body in the morning. Do what feels good and move in a feminine way that feels good.
  • A warm cup of cacao or herbal tea for 5 minutes somewhere calming can also be therapeutic. Meditation can be hidden in activities, it doesn’t have to look any certain way but if you can clear your mind and be present, you are meditating.

Your mental health rituals are also important in the morning to set you up mentally for the day, here are some tips and tricks:

  • Make the bed. This may seem simple but it can help to consolidate your sleep and you will thank yourself when you go to bed the following night.
  • Open the blinds and windows to let the light in. Staring at the blue sky activates our awake hormone serotonin.
  • Avoid technology first. Be careful not to fall into the addictive nature of technology or social media, I know it’s tempting because it is just that, addictive. Challenge yourself and resist the temptation until after your morning routine or a set time mid-morning.
  • Try journaling to get your thoughts out on paper. A healthy and humbling practice can be to write down the things that you are grateful for. Remember to journal for real (not like someone will read your journal). No one is going to read it, so instead of telling a story about your life or emotions, be honest and vulnerable with yourself; the good, the bad and the ugly.

Exercise is a big consideration in the morning!

  • High intensity exercise can sometimes be detrimental to the female system first thing in the morning. Keep in mind that if you are stressed out, exercise can also elevate cortisol & adrenaline (your stress hormones).
  • It is great to get the blood flowing and release endorphins- movement can look any way, shape or form. There are even traditional medicine practices in which you cup your hand and slap your own body to get the chi (energy) moving.
  • 5-10 minutes of some form of movement is hugely positive. Anything from jumping jacks to stretching your legs up the wall.


Preparation is key! I am sure you have heard the term fail to prepare or prepare to fail.

A beautiful morning routine may very well be determined by what you do the night before. This is where sleep hygiene can come into play.

  • Cut out blue light sources in bed or for at least 1 hour before sleep this includes TV, laptops & phones.
  • Create a comfortable and cosy sleep environment including a warm lamp or a candle.
  • What comforts you? A cup of milk before bed, a cup of herbal sleep tea, a hot shower or a deep relaxation soundtrack? Make this a conscious time, you can even commit to a sleep routine and write it down.


I personally prioritise femininity and grounding in the morning, something that I haven’t always done in the past. I had to re-assess my relationship with time and realise that I am ultimately in control and that my time is mine. Which is why I now put aside time for my morning routine.

I personally wake up and have a big drink of water which happens naturally, then I put a meditation playlist on. I meditate for sometimes 5, sometimes 10 minutes. Then, I journal. I get all of my raw thoughts on paper and it is definitely a therapeutic release for me. Journaling leads me to realisations about what I am feeling and why. It helps me a lot to get my jumbled thoughts onto paper and gain a new perspective.

This will look different for everyone, but this is what works for me, my femininity and what appeals to my nature. I hope that is somewhat inspiring for you!

Remember it’s the little things and habits that can have a big impact on your health when practiced consistently, you are now all set to commit to a beautiful feminine morning routine which will cascade into your day.


Xo Chloe