Episode 92 - Postpartum Pause
As my baby girl lays on my chest, I still pinch myself that this is my life. After everything that we have journeyed through together, she is finally here.
Now that we are here on the other side, I want to teach, encourage and inspire you that this is possible for you too, and how to adapt, recover, and most importantly, ENJOY this postpartum period when you do get here.
This fourth trimester is one that is often neglected in Western society. Despite the whole body recalibration that takes place postpartum, women are often expected to get on with life as nothing has changed.
The reality is, EVERYTHING has changed. There’s the birth of a new person, a new mother, a new woman. We are physically, mentally, hormonally, and emotionally recovering. It’s a process that deserves time, love and support.
In today’s episode, I’d like to share everything I’ve learned and navigated on this journey into motherhood - from nutrition and pain relief right through to the liberation of myself as a woman on the fertility journey.
And finally, I’d like to make a special announcement to you, my listeners, who I am so incredibly grateful for. Accepting and embracing the beautiful chaos that is life is the theme of this episode, and I hope you feel empowered to achieve that too.

Episode 91 - My Birth Story
Today’s is maybe the most incredible, powerful, intense, raw story I have ever told. It’s the story of how the beautiful Sophia Sunny Collins came into the world, and the journey our two souls went on to bring us to that moment.
This fertility, IVF, pregnancy, labour, and postpartum journey has been the most unbelievably transformational experience of my life, and today, I couldn’t be more excited to share the story of my birth with you.
Like many great stories, it comes with a twist. If you’ve been following my journey, then you’ll know that I had a plan for my birth. Well, the universe reminded me that life is beautiful, unpredictable and uncertain - and that’s the best damn part. When you are open and receptive to it, anything can happen, and it may just be even better than what you’d imagined.
Today, I’m an open book. Join me on the journey through the final weeks of pregnancy, my preparation for birth, the days (yep, days!) of labour, surrendering to the unpredictability of life, and the indescribable joy of me meeting my baby girl face to face. Let my birth story empower you with the knowledge that you can own the magic of your story, no matter how it plays out.
No matter how it happens, the story of birth is like no other. I have more respect for my body than ever before, I’ve learned things about myself that I didn’t even know, and I’m moving closer and closer to the real, raw version of myself. Since birth, I feel more truly and honestly *me* than I ever have.
I am so grateful and appreciative for the wonderful people supporting me through this experience - my absolute rock of a husband, my family, my midwife, and the incredible team of medical specialists that all took amazing care of me and my baby girl.
And of course, my baby girl herself. We did this together and I could feel her working with me, body and soul, the whole time. Now, it’s time for the next phase of our journey together - as a mama to my beautiful girl.

Episode 90 - Journaling for Fertility, Pregnancy and Beyond
Today, let’s introduce you to your new bestie. It’s your nonjudgmental sounding board where you can unload your deepest thoughts, your most private feelings, and your raw emotions. If that sounds powerful and freeing to you, then say hello to journaling.
Journaling is an incredibly beautiful practice of presence - but it wasn’t until I was on my fertility journey that I realised I’d been doing it all wrong. I’d been doing what I call “perfectionism journaling” and censoring my true thoughts and feelings like someone would read them.
That’s not real. That’s not therapeutic. And that’s definitely not helpful to your journey. Journaling should be your messy, raw, open thoughts spilled out onto paper. It can seem daunting at first, but it’s as simple as that.
In this episode, I’m going to show you how to let go of that perfectionism and let your real feelings be free. I’ll help guide you and give you journaling prompts to get started - but at the same time show you that there’s no need for structure, schedule, pressure or stress. It can and should be as sporadic and uncertain as life itself.
I want journaling to be a supportive tool and best friend on your IVF and fertility journey, just like it was for me. When done right, it has the power to be your ally - for fertility, pregnancy and beyond.

Episode 89 - Making Empowered Choices In Pregnancy
In fertility and pregnancy, there is one true leader - YOU. You in your body and with your baby.
You will know intuitively what feels right for you, but when you’re in front of a midwife or obstetrician, it can feel like control and power have been totally surrendered.
We’re only human. We want to trust what the experts around us tell us. But when it comes to our own body, that should never come at the cost of our own intuition and knowledge.
So today, I’m here to tell you that every choice you make in your fertility and pregnancy journey can and should be an empowered one. Armed with the right knowledge and current evidence, you can push fear-based decision-making to the side and make intelligent, intuitive, confident, and empowered decisions.
I’m going to show you exactly how you can do this using the BRAIN acronym - five simple questions with powerful answers that will guide you in making the right decisions for you, your body, and your baby.
You are your baby’s mother, so trust in your motherly intuition to have an empowered pregnancy and make the choices you know are right for you.

Episode 88 - How I Manifested My Baby
There are magical moments on your journey that change it all. Today, I want to share something incredibly personal and incredibly powerful. It’s the story of how I manifested my baby.
Now, as a Clinical Nutritionist, I’m always wanting to share amazing evidence-based knowledge about nutrients, supplements, optimal biochemistry, and more - but what’s equally important and even more magic are the beautiful, spiritual, and energetic parts of the journey.
There were so many factors on my IVF and fertility journey that led to the conception of our baby girl, but ultimately, it comes down to everything I did and didn’t do to manifest her into my life.
It’s an emotional journey of unbelievable love, joy, clarity, anticipation, gratitude, worthiness and so, so much more. It’s intense, it’s beautiful, it’s messy, and I am so damn lucky that I got to experience it all. Now, it’s time to show you how to open yourself to exactly the same thing.
Manifesting what you desire in your body, your fertility, your IVF journey, and in your life as a whole is one of the most empowering experiences you can possibly imagine. If you’re ready to surrender your mind, body, and spirit to the universe and manifest the reality you desire, then join me and let me be your feminine guide.

Episode 87 - Romance During IVF
No matter how you conceive, your baby is conceived out of love.
It can be easy to lose sight of that in the often clinical world of scans and statistics with IVF - but if anything, it’s a precious opportunity to build endless love and romance into your fertility journey.
There is so much room for love, sensuality, romance, and magic within any conception. In fact, the bonus of IVF is that you have the benefit of taking a beautifully conscious approach to conceiving.
At the same time, it goes without saying that IVF can be a stressful and anxious time. That’s why it’s even more important than ever to fill your journey with romance - for yourself, your relationship, and for healthy hormone production throughout your pregnancy.
Today, I want to teach you about the two kinds of romance that have the power to change your IVF journey from transactional to transformational. We’ll talk about the many ways you can fill your system with “the love drug” oxytocin and the incredible power this has for your body and your life.
I promise you, the romance you share with your partner AND that you show yourself will give you the foundations to bring that baby into the world the same way it was conceived - through love. An IVF journey is hard. It can also be romantic as hell if you let it, and you deserve nothing less.

Episode 86 - Empowered Pregnancy and Birth After IVF
It’s a magical moment in your IVF journey when you conceive your baby. But the journey most certainly doesn’t end there.
Conception is an incredible milestone, but it’s also just one part of your fertility journey. After you’ve conceived, you’ll go through the stages of pregnancy, appointments with specialists, and of course the birth and finally meeting your beautiful baby.
Throughout this whole process, it is so damn important that you feel empowered to have your pregnancy and birth YOUR way. Once your baby has been conceived via IVF, you may come to find that your pregnancy and birth are instantly treated as high-risk. Right at the outset, you might be told you need increased growth scans, a term induction, or other interventions - for no other reason than because you conceived via IVF.
You could be the healthiest woman in the world, but the medical system is suddenly telling you that it doesn’t matter and making your choices for you. It can feel like a total slap in the face. Your choices are yours, and yours alone. It’s ok if that process feels right for you, but if it doesn’t? Then you have the power to make your own choice.
It can feel like a difficult path full of resistance, but in this episode, I’m going to empower you with the knowledge of what to expect in an IVF pregnancy, the paths you can take, and how to surround yourself with the right support. After this long journey, you can have the empowered birth that you deserve. Let’s talk about how.

Episode 85 - Physiological Birth Explained
Birth is incredible. Every step of this amazing process is flawlessly designed to make birth a supported, safe experience. The keyword here - safe.
When a birthing woman is made to feel unsafe, fearful or uncertain, then this beautiful process can be interrupted and the natural flow of birth will be impacted. Here’s where the phrase “knowledge is power” comes in.
When you understand the physiology of birth, the systems in place, and the options available to you, then you’ll be empowered to make informed decisions to have the birthing experience that feels right for you.
As an evidence-based practitioner with a science degree and many years of working with the female system and psyche, I’m going to share the knowledge that helped me make my choices about my IVF and birth experience.
We’ll break down the hormonal process of labour and birth, and exactly how your body is designed just for this. We’ll talk about how to build a safe, supportive birthing environment, as well as the potential interventions that can come up. Most importantly, I want you to know your rights so you can make your own empowered choices.
Let this be a resource you can come back to or share with family and friends to help them understand the physiological process of birth.
When women believe in their bodies, trust in their innate intuition, surround themselves with the right support and build a safe environment to give birth, then we see healthier mothers and healthier children through birth, postpartum and beyond.
Birth in your power. It’s your body and everything you need is within you.

Episode 84 - Handling a 'Failed' IVF Cycle
Here’s a fact, no sugarcoating, no dismissing. A failed IVF cycle is f*cking hard.
I’m not going to pretend that it’s not. It’s an emotional blow like no other, not to mention the physical toll that an IVF cycle takes on your body.
You’re allowed to feel any and all feelings about this, however sh*tty they may be. In fact, it’s healthy to acknowledge these feelings and sit with them.
What’s also important is to then find your way in moving on from those feelings and continuing on your fertility journey. What that looks like is completely personal to you, but today I want to offer some shifts and reframes on how you think about IVF cycles that can help you in this process.
First, let’s throw out the language of a ‘failed’ or ‘unsuccessful’ IVF cycle. In my opinion? There’s no such thing.
Whether or not your IVF cycle results in the outcome of a baby, there is so much valuable knowledge and growth that each cycle facilitates for both you and your fertility specialists. Each cycle is a step forward on your journey - even if it doesn’t always feel that way.
Let’s learn to look at each cycle as a learning cycle, a growth cycle, and an opportunity for you to focus on yourself and grow more and more into the resilient, magical mama that you’re on your way to becoming.

Episode 83 - Surviving the IVF 2WW
The 2-week wait might just be one of the most challenging parts of an IVF journey.
For those who don’t know or have yet to experience it, it’s the two weeks of waiting after an embryo transfer before finding out whether it was successful.
Understandably, it can be an incredibly stressful two weeks of nail-biting, but today I want to support you in shifting your mindset to have a calmer and more grounded experience.
First off, that *does not* mean having a totally anxiety-free time full of butterflies and rainbows. Let’s be honest here, that kind of expectation would be pretty unrealistic and a heck of a lot of pressure!
You’re a normal human being and having normal human emotions is completely ok. You might be anxious, excited, or a mix of both and more. Well mama, you get to show up however you need to during this time and feel it all. All I ask? That you accept and love yourself as you process these feelings. That’s your key to surviving and thriving in the 2WW.
This episode is where we’ll explore exactly how you can shift your mindset to do this, and why you can be filled with anticipation AND live your life in a full and healthy way without becoming a slave to the 2WW. I’ll give you powerful, potent prompts to challenge your thoughts as they undoubtedly arise.
The 2WW doesn’t have to be an overwhelming, negative experience that makes you hit the brakes on life. It gets to be a beautiful, joyful, experience of surrender - because what the heck is more fertile than that?

Episode 82 - Egg Quality vs. Quantity
Your eggs decline with age, and there’s nothing you can do about it. OR - you can throw out that mindset, take a holistic approach, and totally flip that perspective around.
The quality and quantity of your eggs are absolutely part of your IVF and fertility journey, but despite what a lot of the stats might make you think, you most certainly CAN do something about it.
First, let’s talk about egg quantity. It’s something that your fertility specialists can measure objectively to give you some definitive answers relating to your fertility.
Egg quality, however, is far more subjective, but arguably, much more important for your fertility. It’s linked to your own personal health and lifestyle, and without a holistic approach, it’s a fertility factor that tends to stay pretty invisible.
The beautiful news is that through holistic medicine, there is incredibly effective work that can be done to increase both egg and sperm quality, and give you the best chances of IVF success.
A thriving reproductive system with healthy, quality eggs is crucial for fertility. Let me show you the power of holistic medicine and how it can support you on your journey to that ultimate outcome of meeting your little one.

Episode 81 - Gut Health for Fertility and IVF
Gut issues and bloat - we’ve all been there. We’ve probably pointed the finger at bad food and just avoided the issue. But the key to unlocking true gut health is to actually *heal* your gut, so it can be resilient and able to withstand those aggravations.
I’ve seen far too many women let their gut issues go on and on, figuring that they just have to learn to live with it. Today, I’m here to tell you that is NOT the case. In fact, on your fertility and IVF journey, supporting your gut may be one of the most important steps in your preconception care. There are gentle, nourishing, feminine healing methods available to you, to support you in building beautiful gut health for your fertility, your pregnancy and beyond.
So let’s change our approach to gut health. In this episode, I’ll teach you about how the gut works, the issues that can arise, and how they can impact your hormones, your nutritional intake, your immune system, even your mood - and of course, your fertility. Be empowered to have freedom and ease in your gut again, and to nurture your body to be a safe, healthy, resilient space - not just for your baby, but for yourself.
Building a healthy gut is just one part of the journey - be sure to listen to Episode 79, Safety on a Fertility Journey, to learn more about how creating safety in your body will help prepare you for fertility success.

Episode 80 - IVF Nutritional Supplementation
It’s no secret - I’m into nutrition. I mean, it’s to be expected from a nutritionist. But when it comes to nutritional supplementation, not all supplements are made equal. There are different types, qualities and purposes, not to mention the sheer number of them available and the heck of a lot of misinformation out there.
Getting the right supplementation can help lead to incredible success stories on a fertility and IVF journey, but figuring out which ones are right for you can feel totally overwhelming. So where does that leave you?
Whether you’re someone with no clue where to start or someone taking armfuls of supplements with no real idea what they’re actually doing for you, I’m here to empower you with the knowledge you need to navigate the ever-evolving world of nutritional science.
When we’re done, you’ll understand the difference between types of nutritional supplements, the best ways to source your information (and what to avoid), why throwing endless supplements at yourself is NOT the answer, and that even your partner can potentially benefit from the right nutritional supplementation. After all, it takes two to tango!
I want the best for you, and your beautiful body, and for you to experience the magic of IVF success on your fertility journey - and the best chances of that start with the right holistic support.

Episode 79 - Safety On a Fertility Journey
Our bodies are always trying to keep us safe. When facing a threat, whether it’s real or perceived, your body will adapt to make sure that your survival is a top priority. That means anything that isn’t absolutely necessary for survival right now becomes a low priority for your body - like your fertility and reproductive health. Join me in this episode as I teach you what safety in the body truly means and how to make sure you can set yourself up for the best possible chances of success in your fertility journey.

Episode 78 - 10 Ways to Prepare for Birth
Birth is a transformation like no other. It’s life-changing, soul-filling, and no doubt if you are on your way there, you’ll be thinking of how you can be ready and prepared. The beautiful part is, you’re not alone - in this episode, I’ll guide you through 10 ways to prepare for birth.

Episode 77 - Pathologising Birth
Let’s put the power of birth back in the hands of women. In the Western world, the beauty and magic of birth has been taken over by medicine. Now, instead of being seen as the natural, incredible process that it is, it’s become a diagnosis, a risk, a medical condition. Well, I am here to remind you that the female system is absolute MAGIC. No matter what society tells you, you were built for birth. Trust in your body, your power, and your choices - you got this, mama.

Episode 76 - How to Know You're Ready for IVF
The fertility journey can feel uncertain, exciting - and long. If you’ve been on that journey for some time, there may come a point to start thinking about IVF. The thing is, how do you know when that point is?
Moving to an IVF journey is a big step, and one that you should feel totally ready for. If you make that step with the right mindset, it can be the most beautiful, healthy act of trust and surrender.
So settle down with a pen and paper or just a quiet space with your own thoughts, and let’s go through some reflective questions that will help guide you to decide whether you’re ready for IVF to be part of your fertility journey.

Episode 75 - 3 Top Foods For Fertility
Your fertility LOVES food. It is most definitely not a time for restriction. It’s a time to enjoy food that brings you joy and that makes your soul sing.
We, women, are beautifully complex creatures and what we feed ourselves has a huge impact on our mood, our metabolism, our digestion, and - you guessed it - our fertility.
But what we eat doesn’t have to be complex, it can be so damn simple. In this episode, I’m going to share with you my 3 top foods for fertility, so you know exactly where to turn to keep your soul happy, healthy and well-fed.

Episode 74 - New Year, New Fertile Energy
As we hit the horizon of a new year, I want to talk to you about laying beautiful foundations for yourself. Not a new fertility diet, not a new regime - instead, taking all that focus and turning it inwards to build your incredible, powerful fertile energy.
Fertility is so much more than just your ability to conceive a baby. It’s the growth, abundance, love, and power in YOU, mama. Today, I’m going to teach you how to recognise and bring in that beautiful, nurturing, fertile energy with the new year.

Episode 73 - Surviving Christmas on a Fertility Journey
For some, Christmas just isn’t the most wonderful time of the year. In fact, it can be really damn tough. For some, it’s the time that marks the end of another year of trying to fall pregnant - and not succeeding. It’s the time in IVF when everything is put on hold until the new year. It’s the loss of the Christmas that you imagined and dreamed it would be.
What can be even more frustrating is when those around you just don’t seem to get it. But your feelings are valid, and what’s more - you’re not alone.
I’ve experienced it all myself and this holiday season, I want to be here for you to remind you that your fertility journey is so much more than just this period of time. It’s a unique experience for you and you alone. So let me be your reminder to be compassionate with yourself, prioritise yourself, and empower yourself these holidays.

Episode 72 - Postpartum Health
You’ve probably heard about postpartum health - and my guess is a lot of it’s negative. Things like postpartum depletion, depression or anxiety. It’s something I call the postpartum pandemic.
In this fast-paced world where mothers are busy with careers, and other children and sometimes neglected in Western medicine, it’s no wonder that by the time we’re postpartum, we are totally depleted.
Your postpartum health can be impacted from all the way back to your preconception phase. It cascades through pregnancy and can even sometimes extend to years postpartum. So it’s so damn important to get it right.
My mission? To empower you to take a proactive approach to your health to set you and your family up for success. I want you to feel full, healthy, and resilient postpartum and beyond, to be healthy mothers with healthy children living in healthy communities.

Episode 71 - Healthy Pregnancy In the Third Trimester
Whether your pregnancy flies by or seems to take forever, there’s no denying that the third trimester feels like the home stretch. That beautiful belly of yours will be getting bigger and heavier - and now more than ever is the time to make sure you’re healthy, nourished, and supported in every possible way.
From consciously winding down and understanding your hormones to finding healthy movement and the right nutrients for your body, today I’m going to show you everything you need to know to make your third trimester as healthy, abundant and comfortable as possible.
After all, it’s not only the home stretch of growing your baby - you’re preparing for birth and the massive, amazing transition into motherhood. What you do now counts, so let’s get you and your beautiful baby ready!

Episode 70 - My Birth Choices
Our choices are our own - and we should be empowered to make them. Today, that’s exactly what I want to educate and open your eyes to.
An empowered birth is something that we all deserve, but there are so many of us who don’t know or trust the amazing power of our bodies.
In this episode, I’m sharing the choices I’ve made for my birth and sharing the knowledge that helped me make them. We’re tossing stereotypes and fears out the window as I show you how to trust in yourself and your beautiful body.
Birth is beautifully uncertain and totally unpredictable - but with the right tools and wisdom, you have the power to respond with the choices that are right for you.

Episode 69 - Normalising Safe Birth with Shelly Langford
Birth can happen in so many ways. But so often, birth is automatically viewed as a risky or even dangerous process. And whilst that can absolutely be the case, it doesn’t mean that it’s “normal”.
The reality is that our bodies are designed for birth. It’s safe to believe in our bodies and know that the supports are there if we need them for us to have a safe, empowered birthing journey.
Today, we’re joined by Shelly Langford, a doula, birth educator and pregnancy massage practitioner. She’s helped countless women and their families on their pregnancy, birth and parenting journeys, and knows firsthand that no two births are ever the same.
Shelley shares with us her wisdom on physiological birth, trust in the female system - and bringing the focus back to women having the beautiful, empowered experience they deserve.

Episode 68 - 5 Perks of a Fertility Journey
It’s hard to describe a fertility journey. They can be hard and challenging. But there’s no doubt that they are also incredibly beautiful, powerful and rewarding. I know that for me, it’s the best damn thing that ever happened to me - and I want you to feel exactly the same way.
To do that, I want to share 5 perks of embarking on this life-changing journey. And really? They’re not just perks, they’re 5 ways of totally shifting your perspective on what your journey truly means. So come with me and let’s open your eyes to the magic of a healthy, sustainable, intentional fertility journey filled with love, hope and purpose.

Episode 67 - 5 Misconceptions About IVF
IVF can be so many things. It can be long. It can be scary. It can be unknown. It can also be f*cking magic.
I’ve witnessed and experienced firsthand the incredible, life-changing power of IVF. I believe it’s an incredible opportunity to not just have your baby, but to grow and evolve within yourself.
But if you haven’t experienced that, it can be so hard to understand. People don’t talk about it, and all you might have to go on is what we see in society and media - which is definitely NOT always accurate.
Let’s cut the bullsh*t and get real. Today, I’m going to help you throw out 5 misconceptions about IVF and show you how it can be pure, absolute magic that will utterly transform your life.

Episode 66 - Healthy Pregnancy In the 2nd Trimester
Your pregnancy is an incredible, transformational journey. In each trimester, you experience so many new things that you’ve never had to think about before.
In the 2nd trimester, your mind may be starting to jump ahead to the birth - but instead of wishing these days away, I want to show you how to embrace the emotional, biochemical and spiritual journey you’re on.
We’ll be talking about nutrition, mindset, healthy relationships, the balance of rest and movement for your pregnancy, and surrendering to your intuition.
I want to empower you with all the knowledge you need to be able to look within and trust that you know what’s best for you - because mama, you are strong, you are resilient, and you got this.

Episode 65 - Lessons From My Fertility Journey
My fertility journey has shaped me as a woman, as a practitioner, as a person, and so much more. And if that resonates with you, it’s because it’s true for all women, no matter what your fertility journey looks like.
I knew right from the get-go that this was going to be an incredibly potent and transformational part of my life. Now our beautiful baby is finally on its way and it’s time to look back at all the life-changing lessons I’ve learned on this 4-year journey to get here.
I want to share the highs, the lows, the transformations, the self-love and the beauty of surrendering. I want to show you that while of course, your baby is and will be a beautiful, amazing thing - so are YOU.
You are whole and complete and worthy in your own right, and that’s also what will make you a f*cking incredible mum.

Episode 64 - IVF Made Magical
I believe that vulnerability is where true connection lies. I’ve been pretty damn vulnerable on here, and I’m not about to stop now.
Last episode, I shared my personal IVF and fertility journey with you all and today, I want to keep that story going. Because honestly? IVF can be hard, but it can also be really, truly magical.
Ultimately, IVF is about the conception of your baby, but I’m here to show you that there is so much more to be had on this journey. It can be the catalyst for so much holistic, life-changing growth and exploration.
So for the women who are thinking about embarking on an IVF journey, the women who are about to, or the women who are already on it - this is for you. Let’s make your experience magical.

Episode 63 - My IVF Journey
Today’s episode is very, very damn special. It’s been a big year for me so far, and I’m so excited to finally share with you why. After a nearly 4-year fertility journey - I’m pregnant!
And when I say ‘journey’, believe me, I mean it. It’s been a long road of growth, heartache, love and so much more that has led us to where we are now. I couldn’t be more grateful for every second of it and I want to share it all with you.
Everyone’s IVF journey and experience is so unique, and today I’m going to get super real and vulnerable with you to share mine. It was beautiful, magical, incredible - and also anxiety-inducing, intense, unpredictable and challenging! It’s a rollercoaster ride like no other.
These conversations are so damn important, so let’s sit down, settle in, and have a heart-to-heart about it all.

Episode 62 - Early Pregnancy Nutrition
If you’ve just found out you’re pregnant, this one’s for you. I know that you mums are so excited - and SO overwhelmed! No matter the circumstance of your pregnancy and fertility journey, it can be such a damn overwhelming time. You’re inundated with information, fear, and of course, endless hormones.
Your feelings are so valid - but I’m here to show you how to take power of your pregnancy so you can do the absolute best for you, your body, and your baby.
This episode is your guide to early pregnancy nutrition and holistic health. We’ll be talking about foods, supplements, the emotional ride that is pregnancy, avoiding morning sickness and baby brain (both for the baby and you!) and so much more.
For many women, pregnancy is the first time that they truly prioritise their own health and nutrition. But you can kick that overwhelm to the curb, because you got this, mama.

Episode 61 - Food for Fertility
Welcome to the new me, feeling so damn good about doing what I know I was put on this earth to do - fertility and IVF nutrition. Now when I say fertility, I don’t just mean having a baby. Our female bodies *want* to be fertile. Ovulating and having a menstrual period every month is a sign of a healthy woman’s body, and something I want to empower every woman to achieve.
Today, I want to talk about how we can achieve that through the power of food. Food isn’t just about sustenance, it’s about eating to nourish and support your thriving fertility. It’s not about removing things, restricting or detoxing. It’s about actually bringing more beautiful, nourishing factors into your diet to nurture your fertility and show your body that it’s safe to reproduce. We’re talking glowing skin, silky hair, more energy, better sleep and less stress. If you desire to say hello to that beautiful fertile glow, then this is the episode you’ve been waiting for.

Episode 60 - What All Women Need to Know
Big changes are coming. In the next episode, this podcast is going to look a little different - and if you want to know more, head on over to my Instagram for the big reveal.
For today, I want to wrap up this era by just having a really good chat to all women everywhere. Yep, I’m talking to YOU. I’m sharing the super important pearls of wisdom that we really should know but simply weren’t taught. I want you to walk away from this episode with a change of perspective and a totally new outlook on your health as a woman.
It’s time to step into your full power and be so damn authentically you. It’s time to feel abundantly healthy and emit your beautiful, bright power to inspire and liberate other women. So listen up, because this might be exactly what you needed to hear today to change your life.

Episode 59 - Peaceful Periods
I f*cking love my period. I’m grateful for it every single month.
But not nearly enough women feel that way, and I’m here to change that.
Let’s talk about having peaceful periods. Now, notice I don’t say ‘perfect’ periods - I don’t believe there’s any such thing as ‘perfect’ and it can be crippling to think that there is. Instead, we’re aiming for periods that you can find peace in, even if they’re not perfect.
There are so many different ways to look at how to make your period peaceful to you - biochemical, physiological, mindset and more. We’re going to take a look at them together so you’re armed with the tips and tricks to work with your period until you feel just like I do about it.
At the end of the day, our periods are a beautiful thing. They’re a blessing, not a curse. In this episode, we’re going to take your first steps on the journey to truly understanding and believing that.

Episode 58 - Why Women Are So Unique and Awesome
‘Men are from Mars, women are from Venus.’ That’s how the saying goes, right? Basically, we’re pretty damn different.
And yet, despite us women making up just over half the human population, most of our information about health, diet, and medicine is built on the study of the male system.
Today, I want to dive into why men and women are so different and unique, in a way that goes much, much deeper than just the birds and the bees.
I do want to acknowledge that some people identify with genders that aren’t necessarily their physiological structure. I see you, I hear you, and I appreciate you. Just know that today we’re going to be talking about biological differences and why that’s so critically important for treatment, curative and preventative medicine for women.
Our beautiful, unique, complex systems influence everything from our metabolism, to the way we use energy, to our cognitive function, to our immune systems and so much more. Let’s break that down and empower you with the knowledge to better understand your own body.

Episode 57 - How to Prioritise Your Health
Just a quick warning that some excitable potty-mouthed words are thrown around in today’s episode. I mean, that’s what happens when you dive into a topic that you’re SO whole-heartedly passionate about, right?
So what’s got me *that* excited? Prioritising. Your. Health.
‘Health’ is a word that’s thrown around so much, but when was the last time you stopped to think about what it truly means for you AND how you can make it a priority in your life?
I’ll be real. Prioritising your health is HARD. It’s complex and nowhere near as easy as those quick motivational YouTube clips make it out to be. But that doesn’t mean it isn’t attainable.
We’re going to be diving into how to prioritise your health in a way that’s real, sustainable, and true to you as a unique, wonderful woman. I also want to show you that you can be healthy right now in your body and mind - and still continue to strive for more.
Wherever you are on your beautiful health journey, let’s break down the layers on how we can prioritise our health like never before with our entire mind, body and being.

Episode 56 - How to Eat Intuitively
Intuitive eating DOES exist, but most of us don’t know what it really means. Maybe we intuitively eat a block of chocolate, then feel like our intuition let us down! If you don’t know how to eat properly to support your female system, then intuitive eating can be total bullsh*t.
What you need is the right knowledge and education. Today, I want to empower you to start your journey to develop an organic, intuitive way of eating that serves your female system, your cyclical needs, and YOU as the beautiful, unique woman you are.

Episode 55 - 5 Hacks to Healthy Eating for Women
Healthy eating is not just about eating healthy. You might be thinking, “What the heck Chloe, that’s literally what it is” - but there is SO much more to it.
Today, we’re going to be undoing a lot of societal conditioning around how we as women eat, view food, nourish ourselves, and the decisions we make around eating. We’re going to be throwing out a lot of what you *think* you know and replacing it with hacks to take a beautiful, feminine approach to healthy eating.
Let’s learn to listen to our bodies, trust our intuition, turn away from lack and restriction, and why nutrition for women is beautiful, complex and unpredictable.

Episode 54 - Lean Into the Seasons of Your Cycle
Did you know that you can actually adore and love your cycle in every single phase?
Maybe that sounds like an impossible dream to you, but I promise you, it can be your reality. All you need is to be shown the way.
Today, I want to introduce and encourage you to lean into each season of your cycle and to draw the positive, empowering aspects from each phase. Once you develop this deeper awareness and understanding of your cycle, you can draw power from the different phases to literally change your life.
Let go of thinking about your cycle as some negative, annoying thing and learn to see it as a part of who you are and the way that you are truly supposed to live - by living WITH nature, not working against it.

Episode 53 - How to Spot a Hormonal Imbalance
We humans don’t like to do things by halves. Especially in this day and age, we’re all about the extremes and the quick results. When we do that, we either push ourselves to capacity or throw in the towel and give up altogether. No more.
Today, I want to give you the power to bring balance back into your life and holistically come back to homeostasis.
In this episode, I’m going to teach you how to spot a hormonal imbalance and what you can do about it. We’ll be going through specific hormones, what their excessive or deficiency symptoms look like, and how that symptomatology can present in your body.
If we can learn to listen to our bodies, then we can be empowered to understand ourselves better, heal ourselves, and live a nourished, thriving life in harmony and homeostasis.

Episode 52 - Embodiment of a Thriving Woman
I want to take a second to acknowledge that your health journey has probably been really hard.
We live in a society where women are encouraged to hustle, mask and restrict, and quite frankly, there’s a lot of bullsh*t health advice out there. It’s no wonder why sometimes, things just don’t quite feel right in your female system.
If you’re here, I know that it’s because you’re a health-minded, intelligent woman who wants more for yourself. You’re here to get the knowledge, resources, and opportunity to learn how to thrive in your own body and mind.
This episode is for you - the woman who demands more for herself and is ready to put herself first. You want to get more in touch with your health and femininity so you can not only survive, but thrive.
So if you’re ready to become the thriving woman that you so deserve to be, then I want to empower you with the knowledge to do it.

Episode 51 - Think Like and Become Your Healthiest Self with Susan Francis
Ready to take quantum leaps in becoming your healthiest self? Susan Francis is here to teach you the secrets.
Susan is a leading Mindset, Manifestation and Business Mentor and Coach trained in NLP and Time Line Therapy. She empowers female entrepreneurs to create more income and impact in their soul-aligned businesses, unlock the truth of who they are and step into their power.
Susan believes that life was meant to be easy, feel-good, and flow and that you can create anything you damn well want. That’s a message I can definitely get behind.
Today, we discuss all things manifestation, embodiment, how your beliefs dictate your behaviours, and techniques for releasing negative emotions. Susan also teaches us about quantum expansion, the incredible idea that everything is available to you, and how understanding this allows us to redefine our understanding of time and tap into existing potential “faster”.
It’s mind-blowing, powerful stuff, but Susan explains it all in a way that’s just so beautiful and easy to understand so you can walk away empowered and ready to become your healthiest self now!

Episode 50 - 50 Small Ways to Transform Your Hormonal Health
Today, we hit the big 5-0! 50 episodes of Chloe’s Clinic, and to celebrate this special occasion, we’re going to give some love to the little things.
In this episode, I’m giving you 50 small ways you can completely transform your hormonal health (yep, 50 - you read that right!). Think of this as your hormonal health bingo or checklist for the year. Pick one, commit to it, and then onto the next!
However you choose to implement them, there are practical, actionable things as well as mindset shifts to get those incremental improvements happening in your world.
It’s a beautiful approach to transformation - a massive combination of small things that come together to make big changes.

Episode 49 - Fix Your Period with Dr Lara Briden
A lot of us just aren’t really all that in love with our periods.
They might feel inconvenient, painful, and maybe even cause suffering. So many women experience difficulties with periods, but so much of it still feels mysterious and misunderstood.
You don’t have to suffer in silence, and today Dr Lara Briden is here to help you find your voice.
Lara is a naturopathic doctor and author of the bestselling books Period Repair Manual and Hormone Repair Manual. She has more than 20 years’ experience in women’s health and treats women with PCOS, PMS, endometriosis, perimenopause, and many other hormone and period-related health problems.
Lara’s aim is to normalise female physiology and dispel the idea that women’s health is something complicated and mysterious. Today, she’s here to empower you with answers about your own body, health and hormones, and the knowledge that very simple changes can often create powerful positive changes for your period.

Episode 48 - Manifest Your Best Self in 2022 (Ft. Natasha Carter)
Take a deep breath, and relax. That’s the tone I want to set today.
The end of the year is finally here, and it’s time to celebrate what was and welcome in what is yet to come. But most importantly, it’s time to have gratitude and just be present in the now.
In this special episode, I’m reflecting on my year in business and life, as well as showing you how you can do the same. To look forward, I’m also going to take you through a manifestation of your ideal, highest, healthiest, badass self in 2022.
Finally, to foster that beautiful gratitude for the present moment, I have a special treat for you at the end of this episode. We’ll be joined by Natasha Carter to take us through a guided meditation to consolidate the year, our reflections, and to ground ourselves in the now.
It’s so important that we acknowledge the year that has been before we go rushing into the next one. It’s been a hell of a year and we all deserve some time to reflect on all of it - the good and the bad, the big and the small. You have achieved so much, and it’s time to be proud of yourself for that.

Episode 47 - The Healthy Hormones Diet
"When women take care of their health, they become their own best friend."
I absolutely adore this quote from Maya Angelou, and it's what inspired me to create The Healthy Hormones Diet. Today, I want to talk to you about this brand new exciting offer that is now officially out in the world and ready to change your life.
What is The Healthy Hormones Diet? It's a 6-week carefully designed meal plan for women - shopping lists, a pantry inventory and recipes for every meal, every day. It's a way of relieving yourself of the stress of figuring out what to eat for 6 weeks, whilst also learning exactly what nutrition you need for your female system to thrive.
In a nutshell, it's an easy peasy way to feel absolutely amazing in your own body and mind!
What is The Healthy Hormones Diet NOT? It's not a fad diet. It's not a detox. It's not about exclusions. In fact, it's the opposite. It's about adding all the good things in so that you can eat in an all-inclusive manner to serve your beautiful, intelligent female system.
The Healthy Hormones Diet is yours for life, so tune into this episode to learn how to help your body be happy, fueled and in a state of abundance through the power of food - and stick around until the end to hear about a special promo code I have for you to get started!

Episode 46 - Nutrition for Active Women with Kira Sutherland
"When you nail your nutrition, everything in life operates better."
You don't have to be an athlete to be in the know about nutrition - we should all be moving and exercising in some way. But by better fueling yourself, you'll be enhancing not only your performance but also your recovery and how you feel the rest of the day.
To share more with us about this is Kira Sutherland, an Australian Naturopath, Sports Nutritionist, and a lifelong athlete herself. Kira took her love of natural medicine and sports nutrition and combined it into an over 25-year-long career that she's infectiously passionate about.
Today, Kira gives us a total reframe on how to think about food as more than just "good" and "bad", how our diet flows onto the rest of our wellbeing, and taking a cyclical approach to diet and exercise.
Get ready to be challenged on what you *think* you know about nutrition and exercise, and to walk away empowered with what it truly means to embrace nutrition as an active woman.

Episode 45 – Slim Down Without the Hunger with Bec Miller
Let’s talk about weight loss.
Almost all of us have had some kind of journey when it comes to weight. Maybe even just the words “weight loss” are making you nervous but to Bec Miller, weight loss means confidence.
Bec is the founder of Health With Bec and a qualified nutritionist specialising in weight loss. She helps women worldwide who have ‘tried it all’ to quit yo-yo dieting, slim down, and lose the bloat – but without the hunger.
That might sound too good to be true, but Bec joins us today to share her secrets and solutions to a weight-loss journey that’s sustainable, enjoyable and perfect for YOU. In this eye-opening episode, Bec shows us how to hack your diet so you can get the results you want whilst still living and loving your life to the fullest.

Episode 44 – A Travel Bloggers Experience with Endometriosis with Hayley Andersen
Endometriosis is one of the most common reproductive health conditions amongst women in Australia, with 1 in every 9 women diagnosed and many more still on the journey to an answer.
Yet even with so many women affected, it’s an illness that’s still not fully understood and not talked about enough.
Let’s change that.
Today, we welcome Hayley Anderson to the podcast. Hayley is a digital creator and travel blogger from the Gold Coast, Australia. She’s been sharing both her travels and personal life online for 6 years, with one intimate detail being her struggle with endometriosis.
From her struggles to find the right solutions for her body to learning to live with endometriosis, Hayley shares her story with a powerful vulnerability and openness. She talks with us about the difficulty of the journey, how she learned to work with her body rather than against it, as well as giving her advice for the many women out there who are also living with endometriosis.
If you are one of the many women who suffer from symptoms of endometriosis, Hayley’s goal is to help you feel heard, empowered and to know that you are not alone.

Episode 43 – How to Fix Your Female Metabolism
In today’s episode, we are going to be talking about the amazing intelligence of the female metabolism and what you can do to fix it. It’s time to learn how to work with your body and encourage your metabolism to work effectively for you.
There isn’t a magic pill, a fad diet, or a quick fix, however, when taking a holistic and emotional biochemical approach you can reach sustainable health when it comes to your female metabolism for healthy weight maintenance and to live a life that you love including all kinds of foods without unnecessary stress and guilt.

Episode 42 – Overcoming Overwhelm for Women with Dr. Libby Weaver
The word ‘overwhelm’ might be one that’s all too familiar these days. When you think of overwhelm, you’re probably thinking of everything you’ve got on your plate right now – stress, busy schedules, chores, work, and more. But did you know that a lot of overwhelm can actually come from within?
Just ask Dr. Libby Weaver, an internationally acclaimed nutritional biochemist, author and speaker, with 14 years of study and 20 years of practice behind her. Needless to say, I am honoured (and maybe a little awestruck) to have her on the show.
Dr. Libby has combined all that beautiful experience to create her 3 pillar approach to women’s health – the biochemical, the nutritional and the emotional. Using this approach, her mission is to educate and inspire, enhancing people’s health and happiness, and igniting a ripple effect that transforms the world.
Today, we discuss how these pillars can contribute to overwhelm but also empower us to overcome it. Dr. Libby takes us through the belief systems, behaviours and biochemistry of stress, and how we can reframe our thinking and teach our bodies to overcome overwhelm and ripple that positive effect out into the world. As Dr. Libby says, changing your thought patterns is a lifelong journey but one of the most rewarding things you can commit yourself to. Today, she’s here to help you start that incredible journey.

Episode 41 – The Gut-Hormone Connection
Do you have an upset tummy? Do you find that you are hypersensitive or hyper-reactive to everything that you put in your mouth? Do you experience bloating, loose stools, constipation or diarrhea or gas urgency?
Well, girl, you are in the right place. It’s time to turn up the volume and let’s chat about all things gut and hormones.
In my clinical experience, bowel and gut issues very often go hand in hand with hormonal imbalances or reproductive health conditions. We have extremely beautiful and complex female hormonal systems and everything is intricately linked and a lot of things that go on with our hormones reside in our gut as well.
The amazing thing is that there’s a lot that you can do to heal the state of your gut and your hormones holistically to bring things back into homeostasis and to relieve you of those frustrating ongoing symptoms so that you can ultimately one day have those iron guts that you completely deserve.

Episode 40 – The Pill: Before, During and the Aftermath
The pill is the pioneer of hormonal contraception and it plays a massive role in our history. Back in the ’60s when it was first released, it was seen as a mascot for female empowerment and liberation during the women’s rights movement. Women finally had power over their own reproductive systems and bodies.
In 2021, 80% of Australian women and 200 million women worldwide are on some sort of hormonal contraceptive, however, many women don’t actually know how the pill works or the effect that it has on our amazing womanly bodies.
Your female reproductive system is not only for reproduction. Our female hormones have so many other functions within our bodies.
So today, I want to help educate you on the oral contraceptive pill as well as other forms of hormonal contraception. I’ll share with you a brief history of the pill and how it’s shaped us as a society. How your body functions before, what happens within your body during, and what happens when you transition off the pill; the aftermath. As well as what foods to include in your diet to support your female system, gut health, liver and mind during the different phases.
Whether you’re thinking about going on hormonal contraception, currently taking it or in the process of transitioning off hormonal contraception, I want to provide you with the right information so that you can feel empowered to make the best choice for you and your body because, at the end of the day, it’s YOUR choice.

Episode 39 – Navigating Pregnancy Loss and Healing with Kathryn Halcyon
*This episode comes with a sensitivity warning*
Today’s topic is a very important one, but one that isn’t talked about enough in our society. It’s a topic that is often considered taboo, despite many women have experienced it. It’s something that can leave those women feeling lost and alone, and loved ones struggling with what to say or how to support them.
In today’s episode, we welcome the beautiful Kathryn Halcyon to the show as we talk about navigating pregnancy loss and healing. Kathryn’s practice as a relationship and sex therapist is grounded in warmth and comfort that activates the heart and nourishes the soul, and she demonstrates this beautifully as she walks us through this episode.
Pregnancy loss can come in many forms, and all of them can have a significant, traumatic impact on a woman and her partner and not everyone experiences the same story.
You’ve likely heard the phrase before that “it takes a village”, and this is true too when it comes to navigating and healing from pregnancy loss. Kathryn and I discuss the importance of connections in building a compassionate society, how to reach out and offer support to someone who has experienced pregnancy loss, as well as the courage behind breaking down those barriers. We also go through the nutritional, physical, and mental journey and recovery that follows a loss, and the holistic resources that can be accessed.
Kathryn’s vision is for us to build a culture of care and for women to be their strongest and most well selves – but also to remind us that we can be strong and need support at the same time.
Find support at The Pink Elephants – https://www.pinkelephants.org.au

Episode 38 – Five Steps to a Feminine Morning Routine
As women, we’re mothers, we’re businesswomen, we look after the household, we’re gatherers in the aisles of grocery stores – we’re juggling all of these things that have a routine in our lives, but when it comes to starting your day with a feminine morning routine, we tell ourselves that we just don’t have the time.
Uh-uh, girlfriend. That’s about to change.
Today, we will delve into what you can do and implement into your own morning following these important five steps – nutrition, ways to ground yourself, mental health rituals, movement and exercise and preparation. I also talk about why and how this is important because knowledge is power, baby!
Committing to a beautiful feminine morning routine will translate and cascade into each day ahead which is absolutely crucial for your health and wellbeing.
We are not expected to be perfectly disciplined by any means but I’ve found that having a small amount of ritual and healthy routine can help immensely because it’s the little things that have a big and phenomenal impact on your health when practiced consistently.

Episode 37 – Evolve Your Brain to Transform Your Health
Your wonderful brain is a powerful tool that is constantly changing throughout your life, and when it comes to making habitual dietary and lifestyle changes, neuroplasticity plays a massive positive role in making these health improvements.
It is super-duper easy to follow the same old carved-out neural pathways that you have followed for most of your life. It is harder, however, to rewire your brain and create new neural pathways to learn new ways of doing things and to actually use your mind to control your body into carrying them out.
If you think that change is on the horizon and you’re committed to becoming your best self, then tune in because I’m going to take you through the 10 principles of neuroplasticity with a Chloe twist and how you can apply them on your health journey as a woman.

Episode 36 – 4 Key Ways to Liberate Yourself as a Woman
Are you craving vulnerability in your relationships? Are you dying for pleasure in your life? Are you determined to educate and empower yourself? Are you ready to challenge your everyday thoughts and conditioned beliefs?
Ladies, join me today as I share with you my top four ways to liberate yourself as a woman. Liberation is all about feeling free, empowered and owning your true self. It is a deep breath, a weight off your shoulders and an open heart.
Step into your true self as a woman by allowing yourself to be vulnerable, indulge in pleasure and push your boundaries. It’s time to challenge yourself to make radical changes in your life where it is needed.

Episode 35 – Powerful Feminine Rituals with Annalisa Siefken
I’m so excited to bring you today’s episode with my lovely guest, Annalisa Siefken as we talk about powerful feminine rituals, harnessing the opportunities to turn daily bite-sized habits into self-care rituals, mindfulness, my own personal cacao ritual experience with Annalisa, what the difference is between feminine and masculine energy, how to tap into your flow state and how to nurture, restore and come into balance as a woman; mind, body and spirit.
Annalisa is an intuitively led, wellness-focused, and passionate woman on a mission to help individuals deeply connect to their divine essence. After years of connecting with individuals in her salons as a holistic hairstylist and the creative founder at BARE Movement, Annalisa noticed a huge rift in women creating space and time to sit in ritual to connect to themselves, their wants and needs and observed an increase in anxiety, overwhelm and more.
After years of committing to learning modalities, yoga teaching, breathwork, and sitting in sacred ceremony herself, she developed and created a sacred cacao and hair ceremony in her studio that has seen many individuals experience their own version and interpretation of awakening, connection and self-love.

Episode 34 – Pregnancy and Postpartum Health
Pregnancy and postpartum can be such a beautiful time in a woman’s life but with all of the information out there on what you can and can’t eat, what exercises you should and shouldn’t be doing and even pressure on how you should be feeling during this stage in your life; it can be so overwhelming.
In today’s episode, I’m going to talk to you about health and nutrition during the pregnancy and postpartum period. I will go through different aspects of these huge hormonal recalibrations in your reproductive lifespan and we will of course talk about the importance of nutrition and the increased nutritional demands throughout this time.
When you lay the foundations to a healthy, balanced and diverse diet for your female system, this will then translate into pregnancy and postpartum.
I only hope that this episode enlightens any new or expectant mothers to support themselves and in turn help them be the best version of Mama that you can be.

Episode 33 – The Emotional Woman, Foods For Your Moods
Put your hand up if you are an emotional woman (my hand is sky high!). Keep your hand up if in your life you’ve been labelled as difficult, disruptive or crazy for expressing those emotions or moods. And sometimes, you might just believe them?
My gorgeous emotional woman, I see you.
The thing is, your moods are most probably a result of what is going on inside your body on a biochemical level and you are not crazy. I want you to know that your mood swings and fluctuations are a symptom and just like any other hormonal symptom, they can be addressed and treated.
Today, we’re chatting all about emotions and moods on a societal, spiritual and biochemical level. We will delve into what this looks like in real life, what nutrients in foods are supportive to your womanly system, and the signs to look out for and recognise when it comes to your moods because abnormal mood swings can actually and very usually be a sign of hormonal imbalance in women.

Episode 32 – Managing Pain Holistically with Amber Hillenbrand
Can our thoughts and mindset be that powerful in overcoming pain? Short answer – you betcha!
In today’s episode of Chloe’s Clinic, we’re joined by the wonderful Amber Hillenbrand. Amber is a Chiropractor and founder of Project Health Collective in Cairns. As someone who has personally suffered from chronic illness, pain, and fatigue, Amber is so passionate about helping others in their recovery from chronic pain conditions.
When you think of a Chiropractor, you usually think of bones, thrown-out necks, and back pain but Amber does things differently. When treating her clients, she looks at not only their Musculoskeletal system but also their Nervous System collectively to pinpoint the pain culprit and to help with a more holistic approach to recovery.
Today, Amber will be delving deep into holistic ways to manage pain and provide us with some mind-blowing scientific facts about how we experience pain, why, and how the power of mindset can play a massive role.
Pain is a protective mechanism that our body is using to try to protect us. Once you understand the physiology behind the pain you’re experiencing, it can really be empowering.

Episode 31 – The Three Steps of Preconception Care
Preconception care is sustainable and long-term health practices that will support you in the lead up to conception, throughout pregnancy and beyond in the postpartum phase. It is also your first ultimate act of being an outstanding and prepared Mama.
I’m so passionate about the topic of preconception care.
So very often I work with women who want to overcome their own health issues before the conception of their baby, whether it be gut issues, mental health issues, weight loss, thyroid issues, hormonal imbalances or reproductive health conditions. They’re looking for an individualised, practical and holistic approach to improving their mind, body and spirit.
It’s overwhelming with the amount of information that’s out there and it’s important to be able to decipher between what’s important and the bullsh*t. So in today’s episode, I’m going to reveal to you the three steps which I have determined are absolutely essential on your journey of preconception care for whatever stage of the journey you’re currently in.

Episode 30 – Your Relationship With Food, Redefining and Relearning
I’m really excited for this juicy episode about the emotional side of eating and your relationship with food as a woman.
I haven’t always had a great relationship with food. In my early 20’s, I didn’t know how to eat properly for my female system because like many other women, it’s simply not something we were taught.
I thought that eating less equaled becoming thinner and that being thinner equaled being more liked, wanted and accepted. I had a degree of body dysmorphia with totally unrealistic expectations of my body and absolutely no comprehension of how important it was to care for it, nourish it and that food is fuel and medicine.
Does this story sound familiar?
Today, I want to talk to you about your relationship with food. I’m going to delve into the diet mentality and nutrients in food, the 101 basics, eating for the female system and your metabolism.
This may be the very start of refining and relearning your relationship with food or you may already be somewhere along that journey. Either way, it deserves work and attention for optimal health, vitality and resilience long term.

Episode 29 – Gut Issues In Women with Fran Dargaville
In today’s episode, the wonderful Fran Dargaville joins me as we chat all about women’s gut issues, how you can improve your gut health, dietary and lifestyle changes, symptoms and much more.
Fran Dargaville is a Functional Nutritionist specialising in Gut Health. She aims to empower people to take control of their health with real food nutrition and lifestyle shifts. She believes you’re not stuck with your symptoms – they are simply messages from the body that something is out of balance.
It’s time to bust the myth that gut issues are limited to your digestive system only. It’s just not true. It impacts your overall health from your hormones, your skin, your energy levels, your reproductive system and even your mental health.
The symptoms that you’ve been normalising aren’t actually normal and they’re most definitely not in your head.
That’s why it is so damn important to get to the root cause of your gut health issues and start to feel healthier and more resilient long term because you deserve to feel f*cking fabulous.

Episode 28 – My Story: Part Two
n the first-ever episode of Chloe’s Clinic, I gave you a behind-the-scenes look into my personal life and I shared with you really vulnerable things about my fertility journey up to that point.
Well, it’s time that I welcome you to my story – part two where I’ll be bringing you updates on my fertility journey, past experiences and all that’s happening in the life of Chloe.
Content warning; I’m going to get really f*cking vulnerable and honest in this episode, more than ever before because once we liberate ourselves, we begin to liberate all women.
I want every woman listening to this episode to know that I am not perfect and that you are not alone. I want to set a tone of vulnerability and openness as a demonstration to the world like “Hey, we can talk about our sh*t, it’s 2021!”. And if I can do it, then so can you.
I only hope that my learnings, growth, honesty, vulnerability and my rocky-imperfect journey inspires and liberates you.

Episode 27 – Exit Off Hormonal Contraception Safely
If you are ready to exit off hormonal contraceptives safely, thrive within your own natural cycle and make the transition as smooth as possible then this episode is for you!
Hormonal contraception (specifically the pill) was marketed as a women’s empowerment tool in the ’60s giving women control over their own fertility. Now it’s a normal part of our society with so many women using hormonal contraceptives because it’s the only way, right? Wrong.
There are a plethora of consequences that can come from shutting down your essential female body system. Everything from mental health issues, gut issues, loss of libido, infertility, or more sinister diseases.
Not to mention the fact that not allowing a woman to naturally cycle takes away a core component of her femininity, it literally changes the biochemistry of a woman’s brain function essentially putting her into a form of chemical menopause.
In today’s episode, I dive into what hormonal contraceptives are, how they work, natural alternatives, how you can safely step back into your natural cycle and how for some women it is the absolute best choice for them at that particular time in their lives.
I only hope that today’s episode empowers you to make the right decision for you and your body.

Episode 26 – Herbs For Women’s Health with Nyree Banks
Today, we have the wonderful Nyree Banks on the show sharing her knowledge, passion and tips on herbs for women’s health and how we can all use this natural power to enrich our everyday health.
Nyree is a Naturopath who uses simple and effective Naturopathic principles to help her clients be their happiest and healthiest selves. Nyree runs a thriving clinic based in Cairns, QLD.
In this episode, we chat about the benefits of herbs within the body and their effects, the best ways to take herbs therapeutically, the importance of the quality of herbs, pharmacy shelf brands vs practitioner only brands and much more.

Episode 25 – A Deep Dive Into Endometriosis & Natural Management
Endometriosis is a common chronic inflammatory condition where the endometrial tissue which lines the inside of the uterus grows in other areas of the body and usually around the reproductive organs. This can cause debilitating and really severe pain for women.
In Australia, more than 11% of women will experience Endometriosis at some point in their lives and often starting in their teenage years. Endometriosis exists on a scale and there are so many different degrees that are then influenced by different internal and external factors.
In this episode, we will be talking about not only the reproductive system but the immune system, reducing inflammation, gut, bowel, and liver health, diagnosis and laparoscopies, symptoms and even silent Endometriosis where you are completely or mostly asymptomatic (yes, that’s a thing).
If you have Endometriosis or know someone who does, there is so much that can be done to set a positive trajectory in managing the condition naturally with the right level of expertise, support and accountability. You can thrive with endometriosis!

Episode 24 – All About PCOS and Natural Management
Let’s talk all about PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) and how to manage the condition and thrive naturally.
PCOS is a complex and very common reproductive health condition amongst women of reproductive age. It is also very misunderstood, under-diagnosed, over-diagnosed and so confusing as it’s not just a reproductive health condition but a whole entire body condition which at the very roots is driven by immune and metabolic function.
PCOS can be responsible for irregular periods or no periods at all, difficulty getting pregnant due to not ovulating, weight gain, excessive hair growth, oily skin, or acne… and that’s just to name a few symptoms.
Many women with this health condition are seeking holistic, long-term, and sustainable solutions instead of a quick fix using medications and hormonal contraceptives. This episode was created for you.
In today’s episode, I’ll cover the 3 subtypes of PCOS, how to properly diagnose the condition, hormonal contraception and insulin resistance.
If you suffer or live with PCOS or if you know someone else who does, I really hope this episode sheds new light on the condition and gives you a new perspective or a new path to look into and go down.

Episode 23 – Young Breast Cancer Survivor with Natasha Melacrinis
Welcome back to Chloe’s Clinic! We’re kicking off season two with a truly inspirational interview with the remarkable Natasha Melacinis who shares her story as a young breast cancer survivor.
Breast cancer is the most common cancer found in Australian women and it represents around 28% of all cancers in women. One in every eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer by the age of 85 and it does not discriminate. Both women and men of all ages can be diagnosed with this horrible disease.
Natasha is a 31-year-old former elite athlete, physiotherapist and Pilates instructor. In 2018, at the age of 29, Natasha was diagnosed with stage 3 triple-negative breast cancer.
This was obviously a complete surprise and a hard-fought battle to overcome this horrible disease ensued. Fortunately, Natasha’s fighting spirit overcame this setback, and true to her style, Natasha has used the experience to gain knowledge in areas such as holistic health and organic-based living.
In this episode, I also share with you the signs and symptoms of breast cancer to look out for and how as women (and men) we need to have a level of body literacy to know what is and isn’t normal for our own individual bodies. We also discuss how many health professionals can normalise your symptoms so you *must always* be persistent in your journey for answers.
This is an episode that is both inspiring and informative and could potentially help you or a loved one so please be sure to share this episode.

Episode 22 – 11 Vital Steps to a New Health Perspective in 2021
Today, I’m bringing you this juicy new episode on the cusp of a brand new year but instead of giving you a motivational lecture on new year resolutions; I’d instead like to offer you a brand new health perspective for you to make in 2021 to turn your health story around.
These 11 vital and actionable steps will help you be the best YOU that you can be.
No more guilt around having that new year’s wine or cocktail. No more striving for perfection and placing negative limiting beliefs on yourself.
It’s time to love yourself, get honest with yourself, and make a commitment to seek support and accountability to help you get there and achieve commitment successfully. Share your story, be vulnerable, invest in yourself and your health. You are entirely worth it.
Enjoy the episode and thank you *so* much for joining in this year and for supporting me in this journey as the empowered, growing, learning and evolving amazing women that you are.

Episode 21 – 10 Mind-Blowing Truths About Wonderful Women
Did you know that you existed as a tiny egg in your Grandmother’s womb? That period pain is NOT normal? Or that your vagina has its own microbiome and communicates with your brain?
In today’s episode, I’ll be sharing with you 10 mind-blowing truths about wonderful women. I’m so excited to share this episode with you as there are so many cool things that women may not necessarily know about themselves and the intricately complex female system.
It doesn’t matter what age you are; you can always be learning more about your own female body and these mind-blowing truths will give you the extra knowledge to help you feel empowered and have a deeper sense of body literacy.

Episode 20 – Hormonal Seizures & Major Anxiety Disorder, A Woman’s Journey to Wellness with Talida Voinea
Today, I have the wonderful Talida Voinea on Chloe’s Clinic. You may know her from her food blog Hazel & Cacao where she shares delicious and beautiful looking recipes.
In today’s episode, Talida shares her incredible journey to wellness after suffering from hormonal seizures and Major Anxiety Disorder following her experience on the hormonal contraceptive, the Implanon.
Talida recounts the raw story of her mental health struggles, confusion, and frustration in not being able to get any answers and hopes that her story can help other women out there.
She healed herself with the power of food and is now thriving with a little boy and spreading awareness for other women. We delve into a passionate conversation around the era of hormonal contraception and how to manage anxiety in this empowering episode that all women should hear.

Episode 19 – How to Become the Whole & Healthy Woman That You Deserve to Be
As women, our bodies are nothing short of miraculous and our female system is truly amazing.
Sadly we’ve been taught both consciously or subconsciously to mistrust our bodies, to even deprive our bodies and in some cases to shut it off completely from its natural and optimum state. From the billion-dollar fad diet industry to a lack of education on contraceptives, we are sold these quick and easy solutions that simply suppress and ignore the pure magic of our female bodies. I say, no more!
In today’s episode, I share with you the in’s and out’s of my brand new program, Whole & Healthy Woman which gives you the tools for life so that you can make the best possible decisions for your own body and health. It’s not a quick fix, but a long term solution that will support you through every reproductive phase of your life as an ever-evolving and changing wonderful woman.
It’s time for you to learn to support and celebrate your body and invest in your overall holistic health so that you can become the whole and healthy woman that you really deserve to be.

Episode 18 – The Truth About Fertility
In this episode, I bust myths and misconceptions and discuss some truths about fertility. I’ll be addressing topics including hormonal contraception, age and fertility, knowing when or if you are fertile, preconception considerations, and why you should do less; along with a healthy reminder that you are not alone on your health/fertility journey.
As women we spend our whole lives trying not to get pregnant, however, no-one ever tells us or prepares us for the fact that it may be hard, it may take more time than we believe and it could even result in heartbreak.
Does anyone remember Dolly Dr? Can I get pregnant if I was in the spa with a boy? Those questions were a direct result of an uninformed generation of women. Let’s change that for our future generations of little women.

Episode 17 – Recovering From a Stroke, A Woman’s Rollercoaster Fertility Journey with Tammy Meers
This is an episode that you don’t want to miss as it could save your life or the life of someone around you.
In today’s episode, I have the wonderful Tammy Meers on the show as she shares her rollercoaster journey of her battle living with Endometriosis which resulted in not being able to fall pregnant after 8 years of trying. Just as she began unearthing answers to why she was unable to conceive, her journey then took a turn when she suffered a major brain haemorrhage resulting in a stroke that almost took her life at the age of 37.
Tammy wants to share her story to help raise awareness of Stroke and share the symptoms and warning signs to pay attention to as every minute counts. She also wants to shed light on endometriosis and the importance of listening to your body and being ruthless in the pursuit of answers when something doesn’t feel right.

Episode 16 – Nutrition & Sex with Kathryn Halcyon: Part Two
In today’s episode, the tables have turned as the wonderful Kathryn Halcyon interviews me on her podcast, the Soul & Sex Podcast.
This is another gorgeous and eye-opening conversation with Kathryn as we delve into so many topics around nutrition and sex for women. The connection between nutrition and sex and the myriad of benefits that they both have on our nervous systems and bodies is abundant!
We also chat about positive body image, avoiding fad diets, what foods to consume during a women’s reproductive cycle and tackling low libido plus other health concerns with nutrition as a whole. When we create healthy relationships with food and make sure that we’re getting the nutrients we so need as women, this has positive effects in all other areas of our lives… including the bedroom.
Kathryn is a sex therapist and coach, inspiring women to reclaim their sexual joy. Her purpose is to encourage and support women to create a meaningful, intimate and passionate life with ease.

Episode 15 – The Female Orgasm with Kathryn Halcyon: Part One
In today’s episode, I have the incredible Kathryn Halcyon joining me as we speak about all things women’s sexual health. From the different types of orgasms (yes, there are many!), intimacy in relationships, and through a fertility journey; as well as what could be stopping you from achieving the big O. Kathryn also explains that it’s not always about the end goal, but rather the sexual journey.
Kathryn is a sex therapist and coach, inspiring women to reclaim their sexual joy. In between coaching sessions, Kathryn hosts the Soul & Sex podcast – honest conversations with incredible women all about sex, love, intuition and healing. Her purpose is to encourage and support women to create a meaningful, intimate and passionate life with ease.
This is a two-part series so make sure to keep your eyes peeled for our next episode!

Episode 14 – Ovarian Cancer, A Woman’s Journey with Monika Tasic
In this episode, I speak to my guest Monika Tasic about her brave battle with Ovarian Cancer.
Monika Tasic is a 30-year-old lover of life, loud laugh enthusiast, has traveled to over 25 countries and is a true-blue Neighbours fan, never missing an episode. Monika was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer in 2018 after a visit to the doctors thinking she may have had a gluten intolerance, after noticing persistent bloating.
The fact that Ovarian cancer is named the ‘silent killer’, can be asymptomatic, and is often diagnosed much too late; is something that drives Monika to raise awareness about it through sharing her story. Monika’s strength is admirable.
Monika gives an in-depth insight as to what it is like for a young girl to go down the Ovarian cancer treatment path, having to make quick decisions about the preservation of her future fertility and undergoing IVF as a precaution. Monika’s recount of her time in chemotherapy is eye-opening and raw. Monika is a Cancer slayer and is currently two years disease free.

Episode 13 – Healthy Weight Management for Women
In this episode, I speak about healthy weight loss and maintenance specific to women as we age and throughout our reproductive lifespan. The fact that our bodies change dramatically as we age as women usually aren’t taken into consideration. I believe that our expectations have been skewed and need to be altered, a perspective shift. What is a healthy weight? This can look different from one woman to another. Let’s normalise all bodies with all of their wonderful imperfections. When it comes to losing and managing weight, I want you to do it the right way, the healthy way. We will cover components of female metabolism including; insulin sensitivity, thyroid health, immune system, muscle mass, cortisol levels and circadian rhythm. I will offer you real tips and sustainable practices so that you can maintain a healthy weight and reap the benefits for years to come.

Episode 12 – Exercise for Women with Guest Claudia Fregona
In today’s episode, I chat with my wonderful guest, Claudia Fregona as we deep dive into the holistic importance of exercise for women including the mental and physical benefits, how to eat properly around exercise, and understanding how to exercise with your cycle and throughout the phases of your reproductive lifespan. This episode is a big one and it may just switch your mindset on exercise to a completely different light. Claudia is the founder and operator of Barre &Co. which is the first boutique studio to offer yoga, pilates & barre classes in Cairns. Claudia discovered yoga when she was 15-years-old through classes offered to her at high school and loved the mind-body-breathe connection these classes facilitated. She was encouraged to try Pilates as a complement to her yoga practice and shortly after, stumbled into a barre class that took her back to her ballet roots. She loves to share the physical and mental benefits of all these practices as she truly believes they have something to offer everybody!

Episode 11 – Endo and IVF, A Woman’s Journey to her baby with guest Taylor Winters
In this episode, I chat with Taylor Winters about her experience with Endometriosis and her IVF journey which ultimately led to her baby boy. Taylor Winters is now 28-years old and was diagnosed with Endometriosis at 24 years old after nearly a decade of heavy and painful cycles and no real answers. After investigation into a mass in her abdomen, and surgical intervention, Taylor was shocked to wake up from the surgery and learn that one of her ovaries had been removed. Taylor and her partner then embarked on a fertility journey. In this episode, she takes us on the journey through their trials and tribulations and gives a detailed insight into the world of IVF. Taylor and her partner welcomed their little bundle of joy, Vance into the world in August 2018.

Episode 10 – Your Skin and Hormones
In today’s episode, I address the skin and common skin concerns which as women we are likely to experience at one point or another. Let’s chat about the physiological and mental aspects of your wonderful integumentary system.
Skin concerns present in different ways as a way of our body communicating something to us. They may even occur cyclicly in the form of that giant blind pimple friend that pops up on a monthly basis, the one that is so intrusive that it deserves an identity- can you relate?
I speak about your skin in relation to your hormones and of course about how food and proper nutrition can help. There are so many factors that can come into play but when it comes to your skin- you are what you eat!
Whether your goal is anti-ageing or clear glowing skin, what you put in your mouth (or don’t put in your mouth) will make all of the difference here and I will point out the nutrients that count.

Episode 9 – Detoxing and Diets for Women with guest Alisa Butler
In this episode, we will be addressing the big D words; diets and detoxing specific to women. In a discussion between two health professionals, we delve into how detoxing works within the female system and considerations to take, as well as different trending diets like keto, paleo, FODMAP, intermittent fasting, a vegan lifestyle; and how they may impact us as women. You will be getting an unbiased opinion based on research and experience. Our special guest, Alisa Butler is the owner of Cairns Complementary Health in Cairns, QLD. Alisa has been practicing as a Naturopath for six years now and is known as the ‘poo girl’ proudly owning a poo shaped stress ball as her clinic’s mascot. Alisa helps to support her clients suffering from various forms of gut issues, food intolerances, hormonal imbalances and stress management.

Episode 8 – Ovulation 101
Ovulation is a truly magical monthly occurrence which frankly, we don’t appreciate enough! It is a greatly underestimated process and I am here to debunk the misconception that it is non-essential and can be ceased and shut down as part of the reproductive system. In this episode I’ll explain to you what ovulation is and how it works, why ovulation is so important, things that impact or cease ovulation, and how to determine if and when you are ovulating yourself so that you can reap the benefits of good health and longevity!

Episode 7 – Eat Like a Woman
In this episode of Chloe’s Clinic, I discuss how to eat like a woman. Once you begin to eat in a way that supports your female system, you will begin to see life-changing results. I will tell you exactly how to nurture your complex hormonal system for thriving fertility and optimum reproductive health, delving into common women’s health habits which I see in my clinic on a daily basis.

Episode 6 – Cervical Cancer
The courageous and bubbly, Danielle O’Carroll joins me in this episode sharing her experiences with Cervical Cancer (CIN3). Luckily, she had listened closely to her body, noticing signs that just weren’t quite right and insisting on further investigation. She had been fortunate enough to go straight to surgery to have the cancer removed. Since then, she has been undergoing regular testing and can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. Danielle hopes that hearing her story can benefit other women and equip them with the knowledge they need to make their health their number one priority.

Episode 5 – Happy Hormones
It’s time to take control of your hormones rather than your hormones controlling you. Imagine if you could actually leverage your hormones and use them to your advantage. I will take you through how to look after your body systems and vital organs to ensure hormonal balance, foods to consume, what to avoid, and lifestyle habits that affect hormonal balance, plus so much more. Don’t forget to download the free comprehensive 10-page Hormone Questionnaire!

Episode 4 – Period Talk
Aunty flow, ‘that time of the month’, the P-word….it’s called your PERIOD and today we want you to say it loud and proud. Your cycle is the foundation of your health, helping you through every stage of your life. It’s a natural and beautiful part of being a woman but it’s somehow become a taboo and often shameful topic to talk about. In this episode, we discuss our cycle, why it exists, how it helps us function and how to live and thrive with a healthy cycle whilst debunking the myths and misconceptions around your period.

Episode 3 – Mum’s the Word
Pregnancy, birth and babies are meant to be one of the happiest times of your life, but for many women (1 in 7) this can be one of the darkest, most confusing times. In this episode, we interview Storm Ellyatt, mother of three about her experience with Perinatal Depression. This is a first-hand account of how a mother, wife, business owner, self-confessed chocoholic and marketing geek found herself in the midst of Perinatal Depression during her second pregnancy. This is a raw and intimate look at mental health, stigma, shame and guilt; the often taboo and unspoken realities for so many pregnant women. Please listen with care and know that this is one individual’s experience. If you or someone you know may be experiencing any symptoms discussed in this podcast, please see the resources below.

Episode 2 – Endo Sisters
Endometriosis is not just painful periods and while it can look different person to person, for many it can be a debilitating condition with little to no mainstream resources around what it is, how to treat it and how to not only live but thrive with endometriosis. In this week’s episode and to celebrate Endometriosis month, we’re talking all things endo. It’s time to shine a light on this invisible condition and let you know you’re not alone, it’s not the end and you can absolutely live the life you dream of including pain-free periods, pregnancy etc. with Endometriosis.

Episode 1 – My Story
Host, Women’s Health expert and Clinical Nutritionist Chloe Collins gets up close and personal by sharing her own fertility journey. This episode is an intimate look at Chloe’s life, touching on the emotional, physical and mental impact that fertility and infertility can have on women. We leave nothing on the table, from perfectionism to fertility misconceptions and what it’s like to be a professional health expert on this journey. Before opening the doors, we want you to know us – welcome to Chloe’s Clinic, this is my story.