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New Year, New Fertile Energy


When it comes to fertility, we can learn a lot from nature. For nature to flourish, we first need to establish fertile ground. The foundation from which all nature flourishes is rich and fertile soil. From this fertile soil, trees, vines and flowers grow in abundance and even in the most unsuspecting places like the cracks of a concrete pathway. Like the persistent chilli bush that is thriving in the middle of our construction yard right now, against all odds.


In 2023, I would love for you to focus on the foundations, on the soil, on yourself. I know that there has been so much focus on meeting you baby, I’ve been there too. So, let’s try something new and turn the focus inwards- not on doing more or being better, not on a new fertility diet or regime. But rather a nurturing turning inwards. A tending to the soil and your fertile foundations. This can simply start at the level of the heart.


How would it feel to know that you are entirely enough and worthy of your baby right now? Then, the actions that you take would come from a place of self-love.


What is fertile energy? Fertility is not just your ability to conceive a baby, it is so much more than that, it means growth and abundance. I found myself practising fertile energy well before the conception of our IVF baby girl.


I introduced more play, more fun, more creativity, more rest, more fun, LESS of what society told me that I should be doing, LESS of how I was conditioned to behave, I found that ultimately doing less, not more just for the sake of being productive or successful, which led to so much more space for an entirely unproductive fertile-as-hell way of living.


A way of living that was not dependent on the conception of our baby. Yes, I wanted to and trusted that we would meet this little soul, and until then I decided to live my life to the fullest.


Because my worth was not determined by having a baby.


Your worth is not determined by having a baby.


Now, I am on a mission to communicate to the world that a fertility or IVF journey does not have to be beige and blah, it can be fun and colourful and fabulous! You can have it all.


In 2022 I want to encourage you to


  • Celebrate yourself
  • Take up space
  • Show up for yourself now
  • Lean into your powerful feminine intuition
  • Learn what your spirit needs
  • Let go of any suppression of yourself
  • Come into your true nature


This is fertile AF and how good does it sound!?


This time of year as we know is a time of resolutions and new beginnings, or rather a beautiful time of the year to tune into what you need, what you feel and your own intuition.


Is it the time for you, without being pressured by pragmatic factors like time, to take big definitive action? To take the next step on your journey?


Or is your intuition pushing for more subtle action- to be ok with where you are at right now, to rather focus inward on yourself?


Only you will know this answer and the key is aligning your mind with your heart- because they may be telling you two different things.


When making a decision I encourage you to close your eyes, sit with it, and ask how it feels in your physical body. Get out of your mind and into your body.


What feels good, what do you want?


I know you may have some big questions to ponder in your heart space, so let’s start small with acts of self-love to bring in big fertile energy this year.


Let’s begin to bring small habits into each day and each week that are for you, we will call these your health non-negotiables.


I suggest writing down 3 very small things that you would like to commit to for yourself on a daily basis and start there. Things like:


  • 1 big glass of water upon waking
  • 5 minute meditation
  • 10 deep belly breaths in bed every morning
  • Breakfast every day
  • Sitting down for breakfast
  • Dinner at the table each night
  • Phone away by 8pm
  • Reading before bed each night


Start small. It takes time to train your brain to build healthy habits, you are literally carving new neural pathways and your brain would rather revert to the comfortable easy pathway. This is why it can take around 1-month for a habit to become a habit. Like everything worthwhile, it takes persistence and patience.


These are things that you can commit to for yourself, from a place of love, even when you’re busy or stressed. They are your health non-negotiables and they can be malleable, they may change each week or fortnight. Pop these on the fridge to remind yourself of your self-care acts daily!


Now, time to grab your journal and put pen to paper. I would also love to share with you some reflection questions that you can think about or journal on:


  • What am I sick of on the fertility journey?
  • What do I want to let go of?
  • What am I giving my power to?
  • What have I been suppressing?
  • What do I crave to express but don’t feel worthy of right now?
  • What does my soul need to thrive?
  • What lights me up?
  • What gives me a sense of achievement or a feeling of purpose?
  • What is something creative that I love to do or used to love to do?
  • What is something playful that I love to do?
  • What is something completely unproductive that I could do?
  • What is something radical that I can do?


I truly hope that these reflections help you to focus inward rather than outward and to lay the fertile ground for yourself from which your baby will eventually come.


Xo Chloe